Awakening to Possibilities:

A Journey of Resilience and Transformation

My life's voyage has been one filled with joy and the vibrant energy of a large, close-knit family. Growing up with a large family, there was always something delightful to revel in. In 1977, I left the sun-soaked shores of Trinidad and embarked on a new chapter in Canada. However, that transition came with its challenges. The struggle to adapt and be accepted in this new culture led me to put on a mask, a persona I thought would help me fit in and transcend the boundaries of this unfamiliar land.

For many years, I concealed my true self, both during my schooling and throughout my career. It wasn't until 2009, when I was struck by a severe case of pneumonia that I was forced to confront the facade I had built. My lungs bore the scars of this ordeal, making every breath a little more challenging. My true self was stifled.

After numerous visits to doctors and health professionals, I made progress in improving my condition, but I knew that a more profound transformation was necessary. It became apparent that if I wanted to witness my two daughters' journeys and be present for their growth, I had to make significant changes in my life.

I began this transformation with my diet and exercise, which undoubtedly improved my health. However, as I continued in my corporate career, with over 30 years of being a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), a nagging feeling persisted – something vital was missing. The contentment and joy I sought seemed elusive within the confines of my corporate role.

I realized I was merely going through the motions, living a life that didn't resonate with my authentic self and values.

After my career in Finance, I embarked on a profound journey, I spent several months in Thailand, where I resided in a Buddhist temple for a period, focusing on detoxing and healing my physical body. Reflecting on my entire life's journey including my time in India, it was a time of self-discovery and renewal. I also ventured into the world of coaching, exploring various coaching modalities as both a student and a coach.

As I delved deeper into the realm of coaching, I came to realize that it could create positive changes in internal thinking. However, I sought something more profound and lasting. While various coaching styles generated change, it was Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) that truly stood out.

NLP had the power to permanently release trauma, limiting beliefs, and significant emotional events.

NLP emerged as the transformative key, offering a profound shift. The NLP breakthrough, a personal voyage, unraveled the layers of negativity, providing clarity, joy, and a renewed sense of purpose. This profound shift became a beacon, prompting me to share this transformative tool with others.

Armed with profound changes and newfound purpose, the odyssey completes its circle. My journey finds purpose in guiding others toward joy, fulfillment, and success through NLP.



To inspire, empower, and facilitate transformation in individuals and the world, fostering lasting joy, well-being, and holistic growth, while promoting honest, fair, and healthy choices.


To create a world where water, air, and soil flourish, and where every soul uncovers their authentic bliss and reaches their fullest potential. I envision a global community that champions lasting joy, well-being, and holistic living.

Core Values:

Honesty & Fairness: I champion truth, transparency, and fairness, upholding unwavering integrity in every endeavor.

Freedom: I celebrate the freedom to embrace one's true self, breaking free from the chains of limiting beliefs and embracing boundless potential.

Healthy Choices: I advocate for choices that nurture physical, mental, and emotional health, serving as catalysts for profound transformation.

Holistic Living: I wholeheartedly embrace holistic living, the ultimate path to becoming the best version of ourselves, promoting well-being across all dimensions of existence.

This mission, vision, and values statement embodies a resolute commitment to kindling personal and planetary well-being, igniting the spark of transformation, and fostering a world where authentic joy and vibrant health thrive. It is a declaration of unwavering dedication to inspiring and empowering all to reach their full potential and create a better world.


I am deeply committed to your well-being and personal growth. As an NLP practitioner, I've witnessed countless transformations, even for those who may have sought help from various therapists and practitioners before. I want you to know that I genuinely believe in the power of NLP to make a difference in your life.

My guarantee to you is this: I will work with unwavering dedication and tailor my approach to your unique needs. While I can't promise a specific outcome, I can promise that I will be there with you every step of the way, offering guidance, support, and proven techniques. Together, we'll navigate your journey toward a brighter and more fulfilling future. Your situation will be improved.

My Certifications

Prem Rooplal

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner and Coach

Certified Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming -The American Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Certified Coach of Neuro-Linguistic Programming -Coaching Division of the American Board of NLP

Certified Practitioner of Time Line Therapy -Time Line Therapy Association