Embark on a 12-month leadership journey with our Executive Coaching Accelerated Program - tailored for seasoned executives.

Months 1-3 establish foundations with Meta-Model questioning and emotional unpacking. Months 4-6 focus on transformation and emotional mastery. Months 7-9 emphasize rewiring narratives, resilience, and aligning values. Finally, Months 10-12 ensure sustainability through timeline programming and SMART goal planning. Join this transformative odyssey where NLP, Timeline Therapy, and traditional coaching converge.

Redefine your leadership narrative. Your journey awaits – ascend to new heights!

Q: During the NLP coaching process with Prem, what did you enjoy most about working with Prem?

A: I most enjoyed his ability to build a trusting rapport. I felt like he truly cared about me as well as that he was very knowledgeable about NLP. I knew if I opened up and answered every question fully, that it would enable us to do our best work together.

-Cheryl Biron

Why choose the Executive Excellence Program?

1. Elevate Leadership Excellence:

Embark on a transformative journey beyond the ordinary.

Our executive coaching program unlocks the path to transformational leadership, cultivating a vision for unprecedented personal and professional growth. Become a leader who not only navigates challenges but transforms them into opportunities for success.

2. Navigate Holistic Growth:

Experience a holistic leap towards personal and professional excellence.

Beyond conventional career moves, envision reaching new heights of self-discovery, resilience, and achievement. This program is meticulously crafted for leaders who seek comprehensive growth beyond the confines of their job titles.

3. Unique Coaching Excellence:

What sets us apart is not just expertise but an unwavering commitment to a unique coaching experience.

Our program seamlessly integrates proven methodologies like NLP and Timeline Therapy with traditional coaching techniques. Your journey is personalized, innovative, and tailored to unleash your full leadership potential.

4. Break Barriers with Innovative Strategies:

Encounter barriers with resilience and innovation.

Our program extends beyond traditional coaching, addressing deep-seated challenges through innovative techniques. Redefine goals, overcome limiting beliefs, and unleash hidden potentials. Your journey is a continuous breakthrough towards uncharted success.

5. Align with Visionary Leadership:

Leadership is about envisioning and crafting a visionary future.

Our program empowers you to design that future, aligning your goals with a strategic roadmap. Through NLP strategies, goal-setting techniques, and future pacing, become the architect of your leadership destiny.

6. Cultivate Emotional Mastery:

Leadership excellence demands emotional intelligence.

Delve into emotional mastery with our program, leveraging NLP and Timeline Therapy to anchor positive emotions, navigate challenges, and build resilience. Elevate not just your career but your emotional intelligence quotient with every session.

7. Equip Yourself for a Dynamic Landscape:

In today's dynamic business environment, leadership demands agility and foresight.

Our program not only prepares you for current challenges but equips you for the future. Navigate change, lead with resilience, and stand out as a visionary leader in an ever-evolving professional landscape.

8. Invest in Your Impactful Legacy:

This program is an investment in your legacy.

Beyond immediate career goals, it's about leaving a lasting imprint. Grow into an even more impactful leader, shaping not just your career but the narrative of your legacy. Your leadership journey is about reaching new heights and leaving a legacy that inspires.

9. Personalized Growth for Every Executive:

Tailored to your unique needs, our program ensures personalized growth from the first session to the last.

Address challenges, foster strengths, and guide you towards a path of continuous personal and professional evolution. Every step is a deliberate investment in your leadership journey.

What is the

Executive Excellence Program?

Comprehensive Executive Coaching Features:

Step into a transformative experience where every aspect is carefully designed for your growth. Our executive coaching program is not just about coaching; it's a comprehensive journey. Let's explore the distinctive features that set our program apart!

Holistic Blend of NLP, Timeline Therapy, and Traditional Coaching:

Experience a holistic approach that integrates cutting-edge techniques. Our program combines Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) strategies, Timeline Therapy, and traditional coaching methodologies. It's a unique blend that ensures a deep and transformative exploration of your leadership journey.

Tailored Methodologies for Individual Needs:

No two leadership journeys are the same. That's why our program is tailored to your individual needs. From the very first session, every aspect is designed to address your challenges, foster your strengths, and guide you towards a path of continuous personal and professional evolution.

Innovative Tools and Frameworks:

Innovation is at the core of our program. Explore and leverage advanced tools and frameworks that go beyond conventional coaching. Address deep-seated challenges, redefine goals, and unleash your full leadership potential through innovative and proven methodologies. From redefining goals to overcoming limiting beliefs, every session is a step towards uncharted success.

Strategic Roadmap for Future Alignment:

Craft a visionary future with a strategic roadmap. Through NLP strategies, goal-setting techniques, and future pacing, our program empowers you to align your goals with a future that reflects your aspirations. Your leadership journey is not just about the present; it's about designing your future.

Impactful and Sustainable Growth:

Experience growth that is impactful and sustainable. Our program goes beyond immediate career goals, focusing on continuous personal and professional evolution. Each session is a deliberate investment in your leadership journey, ensuring a legacy of impactful and sustained growth.

How Does the

Executive Excellence Program


Your Personalized Leadership Roadmap:

Let's navigate the intricate details of our executive coaching program, providing you with a personalized roadmap for executive leadership development.

Dive into a transformative journey with a blend of sessions tailored to your unique needs. In the first month, kickstart with four intensive two-hour sessions, held as close together as possible, establishing a robust foundation. Moving forward, maintain momentum with two impactful 2-hour sessions per month during the remaining course of the program.

1. Clarity through Structured Steps:

We demystify the process with clear, actionable steps. The program initiates with an in-depth exploration, utilizing NLP techniques such as Meta-Model questioning for precision. Move through each session with a methodical approach, ensuring a profound understanding of your distinctive challenges and aspirations.

2. Illumination through Reasoning and Tools:

We Illuminate the rationale behind every technique, tool, and framework employed in our program. Each coaching session entails not just the application of strategies but a thoughtful reasoning process. From addressing emotional challenges through Timeline Therapy to utilizing NLP for anchoring positive emotions, every step is guided by a rationale tailored to your needs.

3. Empowerment through Active Participation:

Empowerment lies at the heart of our approach. Our program isn't a passive experience; it's a journey where you actively mold your executive destiny. Throughout the program, maintain momentum with two impactful 2-hour sessions per month (After the first month). Through reflective questioning, goal-setting, and active participation, you become the architect of your growth. Your engagement is not merely encouraged; it's essential for the program's success.

4. Clear Alignment with NLP Strategies:

Align your executive goals with NLP strategies. We delve into the specifics of how NLP is seamlessly integrated into the program. From altering limiting beliefs to employing submodalities for emotional transformation, NLP becomes a guiding force for your executive development. Comprehend how personalized NLP strategies exert a profound impact on your journey.

5. Guided Emotional Unpacking:

Navigating emotions is pivotal for executive growth. Here, we guide you through emotional unpacking, employing techniques like anchoring positive emotions and reflective questioning. Understand how emotional clarity becomes a cornerstone of your development, fostering resilience and emotional intelligence.

6. Future Pacing for Resilience:

Resilience is not merely reactive; it's proactive. Explore how future pacing is utilized to build resilience. From addressing trauma through reframing to identifying strengths, learn to not only navigate challenges but proactively construct a foundation of strength for the future.

7. Strategic Goal Planning Techniques:

Align your values and beliefs with strategic goal planning. This quadrant focuses on integrating visual and auditory submodalities for goal clarity. Learn how traditional coaching techniques are seamlessly woven into timeline therapy and NLP, ensuring your goals are not just set but strategically planned for the future.

8. Progress Assessment and Feedback:

Assessing progress is paramount for executive growth. We outline how progress is assessed reviewing your journey on the timeline. Feedback and reinforcement become integral components, ensuring continuous improvement throughout the program.

9. Future Integration and Post-Program Plan:

The program doesn't conclude; it transforms into a sustainable future. Explore how future pacing is employed for sustained success. Learn how the learnings are seamlessly integrated into your future timeline, and the final session involves reflections and creating a post-program plan to ensure the impact extends beyond the program.

Some of the ways the


will change your life!

Enhanced Leadership Skills:

Develop and refine leadership capabilities, fostering effective decision-making, strategic thinking, and the ability to inspire and motivate teams.

Emotional Resilience and Mastery:

Timeline Therapy and emotional unpacking techniques will empower executives to navigate challenges with emotional resilience, fostering a mastery over their emotional well-being.

Strategic Goal Alignment and Clarity:

Utilizing alignment techniques including timeline programming of the unconscious mind and SMART goal planning, the program ensures executives gain clarity on their objectives, aligning personal values seamlessly with strategic professional goals.

Narrative Rewiring for Positive Mindsets:

By applying NLP strategies and changing limiting beliefs, executives will rewire their narrative, fostering positive mindsets and a growth-oriented perspective on challenges.

Strengthened Resilience in the Face of Adversity:

Addressing trauma through reframing and identifying innate strengths, executives will build resilience, transforming adversity into opportunities for growth and success.

Continuous Growth and Personal Development:

The program, with its emphasis on aligning values, beliefs clarification, and continuous coaching, ensures executives embark on a journey of sustained personal and professional growth.

Sustainable Success Beyond the Program:

Future pacing for sustained success, integration of learnings into the future timeline, and a post-program plan guarantee that the impact extends far beyond the 12-month coaching program, creating a legacy of sustained success.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

& Price

Unleash Your Transformation with Confidence:

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Having full confidence in the life-changing impact of this Executive Excellence Program, a 100% Money-Back Guarantee is offered.

If, within 30 days after completing the program, you don't experience profound benefits, your entire investment will be refunded.

Fully dedicated to your success and believe in the transformative power of this journey.

Your satisfaction is my commitment

Elevate Your Executive Excellence - $25,000 CAD

Embark on a journey of transformation with a one-time investment of $25,000 CAD. This comprehensive payment grants you complete access to the Executive Excellence Program, empowering you to cultivate emotional intelligence, unleash your executive prowess, and shape a truly gratifying professional journey.

Flexible Payment Option:

Opt for Five Easy Payments of $5,500 CAD - Tailored for Your Convenience

Recognizing the need for flexibility on your path to professional growth, we offer a convenient payment plan. Choose to spread the investment across five manageable monthly payments, ensuring seamless entry into the Executive Excellence Program. Make your transformative journey both accessible and empowering.

These advantages collectively shape an impactful odyssey, presenting participants with an extensive toolkit for professional advancement, executive well-being, and a more enriching career.

The value derived from these outcomes is beyond measure, delivering a holistic approach to mental acuity, emotional resilience, and temporal mastery within the realm of executive excellence.

Q & A

Q1: What makes this executive coaching program unique?

Our program stands out for its holistic approach, blending NLP, Timeline Therapy, and traditional coaching techniques. It offers personalized strategies for transformative leadership growth.

Q2: How does the program cater to individual needs?

Every session is tailored to your unique challenges and aspirations. From the initial exploration to the final reflections, the program is designed to address your specific leadership journey.

Q3: What if I have doubts about the effectiveness of NLP strategies?

We understand concerns. The program includes a detailed explanation of NLP strategies, and through testimonials, you can hear directly from those who initially shared similar doubts but experienced significant breakthroughs.

Q4: Can I expect immediate results, or is it a gradual process?

While immediate shifts can occur, the program is designed for lasting transformation. Each session builds upon the last, creating a cumulative effect. You'll notice gradual changes in emotional well-being, mindset, and decision-making as you progress through the sessions

Q5: How can I asses my results?

The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZPTI) developed by Phil Zimbardo, Former
President of the American Psychological Association is used to assess your
time perspectives that reflect your attitudes toward the past, present, and future. The ZTPI is administered at the beginning and at the end of the Executive Excellence Program, providing evidenced based results. The changes in the ZTPI provides valuable insights into your time perspective, both before and after the program. It helps visualize your journey, showcasing shifts in your temporal well-being. This tool allows you to see tangible evidence of your progress, providing motivation and a clear before-and-after picture

Q6: How long does it typically take to see significant changes in my life through the Personal Breakthrough Program?

The timeline varies for each individual, but many participants notice positive shifts within the initial sessions. Consistency and commitment to the program contribute to sustained, significant changes over time.

Q7: How is feedback incorporated into the program?

Feedback is a two-way communication. We actively seek your input, ensuring the program is continuously refined to meet your evolving needs and providing a customized coaching experience.

Q8: How does the program go beyond traditional coaching?

Traditional coaching techniques are woven into the fabric of the program, but it goes beyond by addressing challenges with innovative NLP and Timeline Therapy techniques. It's a distinctive journey toward uncharted success.

Q9: How can I maintain the positive changes after completing the program?

The program equips you with tools and strategies to maintain and build upon positive changes. Regular self-reflection, practicing the techniques learned, and setting new goals contribute to sustaining the transformation beyond the program's completion.

Q10: Are the sessions conducted in person or virtually?

Sessions are conducted virtually via zoom, providing flexibility to accommodate your preferences and schedule. The key is to create an environment where you feel comfortable and engaged in the process.

Q11: Will I have ongoing support after completing the program?

Yes, post-program support is available to ensure your continued success. You'll have access to resources, follow-up sessions, and guidance to navigate any challenges that may arise as you apply the program's principles in your daily life.