Executive Onboarding and Mastery Program

Embark on a transformative journey with our 90-Day Executive On-boarding and Mastery Program

Through 12 carefully curated sessions, blending Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Timeline Therapy, and traditional coaching, this program guides new executives from establishing foundational clarity to embracing transformation and reinventing narratives. Dive into emotional mastery, goal alignment, and resilience building, fostering a fulfilling professional and personal legacy. Seize the opportunity to navigate challenges and celebrate achievements on a continuous journey of executive excellence.

Q: How do you feel now that the coaching process is complete?

A: I feel focused, I feel energized, less stressed, less sad, more awake, doing exercises that I stopped doing for a while. Better in the way I'm handling tense moments with others and being more empathetic with others and less judgemental.

-Andrés Stern

Why choose the Executive Onboarding Program

Embark on a Leadership Expedition:

Begin a journey beyond the ordinary with our executive coaching program tailored for new executives. Unlock the path to transformative leadership and cultivate a vision for unprecedented personal and professional growth. Become a leader who not only navigates challenges but transforms them into stepping stones for success.

Discover Holistic Advancement:

Experience a leap towards personal and professional excellence tailored for new executives. Envision reaching new heights of self-discovery, resilience, and achievement. This program is meticulously crafted for emerging leaders who seek comprehensive growth beyond the confines of their initial roles.

Crafted Coaching Excellence:

What sets us apart is not just expertise but an unwavering commitment to a unique coaching experience. This program seamlessly integrates proven methodologies like NLP and Timeline Therapy with traditional coaching techniques. Your journey is personalized, innovative, and tailored to unleash your full leadership potential.

Break Barriers with Innovative Approaches:

Encounter obstacles with resilience and innovative strategies. Our program extends beyond traditional coaching, addressing deep-seated challenges through inventive techniques. Redefine goals, overcome limiting beliefs, and unleash hidden potentials. Your journey is a continuous breakthrough towards uncharted success, designed for new executives ready to conquer barriers.

Cultivate Emotional Mastery:

Leadership excellence demands emotional intelligence. Delve into emotional mastery with our program, leveraging NLP and Timeline Therapy to anchor positive emotions, navigate challenges, and build resilience. Elevate not just your career but also enhance your emotional intelligence quotient with every session.

Personalized Growth for Every Emerging Leader:

Tailored to your unique needs, our program ensures personalized growth from the first session to the last. Address challenges, foster strengths, and guide you towards a path of continuous personal and professional evolution. Every step is a deliberate investment in the leadership journey of new executives.

Equip Yourself for a Dynamic Landscape:

In today's dynamic business environment, leadership demands agility and foresight. Our program not only prepares you for current challenges but equips you for the future. Navigate change, lead with resilience, and stand out as a visionary leader in an ever-evolving professional landscape.

What is the

Executive Onboarding Program?

Embark on a Transformative Leadership Journey:

Immerse yourself in a 90-day odyssey designed for new executives seeking not just growth, but a transformation in leadership. This program goes beyond conventional onboarding, offering a roadmap for personal and professional evolution.

Tailored for Emerging Leaders:

Crafted with emerging leaders in mind, this program addresses the unique challenges and aspirations of those stepping into new executive roles. It's a personalized experience, ensuring that every session contributes to your specific growth needs.

Innovative Coaching Excellence:

What sets us apart is the fusion of proven methodologies—NLP, Timeline Therapy, and traditional coaching techniques. The program creates a unique coaching symphony, guiding you towards unlocking your full leadership potential.

Breakthrough Strategies for Real-world Challenges:

Encounter challenges with resilience and innovation. Our program doesn't just talk about growth; it actively addresses deep-seated challenges through inventive techniques. It's a transformative adventure tailored for new executives ready to conquer barriers effortlessly.

Craft Your Impactful Legacy:

This program isn't just an investment in your current role; it's a journey towards shaping a lasting legacy. Grow into an even more impactful leader, leaving a powerful imprint not just on your career but on the narrative of your legacy.

This is just a glimpse of what awaits you in the 90-Day Executive On-boarding and Mastery Program. Are you ready to embark on this transformative leadership journey?"

How Does the

Executive Onboarding Program Work?

Each phase consists of four 3-hour sessions

Phase 1: Establishing Foundations (Days 1-30):

In the inaugural phase, executives embark on a journey of self-discovery during Session 1. NLP techniques uncover detailed insights into challenges by navigating imprecise language, while Timeline Therapy aids in exploring pivotal past events, shaping the professional journey. Traditional coaching methods build rapport, laying the foundation for transformative growth. Progressing into Session 2, the focus shifts to reframing challenges collaboratively through NLP. Aligning personal aspirations with SMART goals becomes the goal through traditional coaching methods. Session 3 delves into emotional mastery, introducing submodalities through NLP, and exploring emotional resolution via Timeline Therapy. The phase concludes with Session 4, reinforcing positivity with language patterns, embedding optimism through Timeline Therapy, and conducting regular progress reviews in traditional coaching.

Phase 2: Embracing Transformation (Days 31-60):

Transitioning into the second phase, executives delve into emotional resolution during Session 5. NLP techniques deepen the understanding of submodalities for profound emotional transformation, while Timeline Therapy addresses deep-seated emotional blocks. Session 6 focuses on changing limiting beliefs through NLP, shifting perspectives on past challenges via Timeline Therapy, and collaboratively constructing a positive narrative with traditional coaching. The phase concludes with Session 7, exploring advanced language patterns and embedding positive anchors through Timeline Therapy, culminating in a detailed progress review guided by traditional coaching.

Phase 3: Reinventing Narratives (Days 61-90):

Commencing the final phase, executives concentrate on goal alignment in Session 8. NLP techniques align personal values with professional goals, ensuring resonance with core values. Session 9 emphasizes resilience building with NLP strategies, continuing to address trauma through Timeline Therapy, and identifying strengths for resilience in traditional coaching. In Session 10, executives clarify values and beliefs, aligning them with aspirations. Session 11 structures SMART goals, integrating visual and auditory submodalities through NLP, and creating a future timeline with traditional coaching. The program concludes with Session 12, conducting a comprehensive progress assessment, implementing the Circle of Excellence, and integrating feedback for final reflections.

This systematic approach guides executives through challenges, fosters growth, and sets a clear path for continuous evolution.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

& Price

Unleash Your Transformation with Confidence:

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Having full confidence in the

Executive Onboarding and Mastery Program, a 100% Money-Back Guarantee is offered.

If, within 30 days, after completing the program, you don't experience profound benefits, your entire investment will be refunded.

Fully dedicated to your success and believe in the transformative power of this journey.

Your satisfaction is my commitment

Invest in Your
Executive Onboarding Program - $15,000 CAD

Embark on your transformative journey with the 90-Day Executive On-boarding and Mastery Program, a comprehensive experience designed for new executives. This transformative program requires a one-time investment of $15,000 CAD, offering a structured pathway to achieve emotional freedom, unleash your leadership potential, and craft a fulfilling professional and personal life. This lump sum payment ensures full access to all 12 sessions, each meticulously crafted to guide you through foundational establishment, embracing transformation, and reinventing narratives. Seize the opportunity to navigate challenges, foster growth, and set a clear path for continuous evolution, making this investment a decisive step toward unlocking your full executive potential.

Payment Plan:

Five Easy Payments of $3,300 CAD - Tailored for You

Embark on your transformative journey with ease through our tailored payment plan designed specifically for the 90-Day Executive On-boarding and Mastery Program. Break down into five easy monthly payments of $3,300 CAD. We recognize the significance of flexibility on your path to self-discovery, and this convenient payment plan ensures that your access to the full program is both manageable and empowering.

Q & A

Q1: What distinguishes this program from traditional executive coaching?

A: Our program uniquely combines proven methodologies like NLP and Timeline Therapy with traditional coaching techniques, offering a personalized and innovative approach for transformative growth.

Q2: How does the program address challenges faced by new executives?

A: The program systematically tackles challenges through NLP, Timeline Therapy, and traditional coaching in various phases, fostering clarity, resilience, emotional mastery, and goal alignment.

Q3: How does the program adapt to unexpected changes in my professional landscape?

A: The program, especially in Phase 3, equips you to navigate unforeseen challenges by aligning goals with future outcomes and developing a strategic plan for resilience.

Q4: What if I have limited time availability for the program?

A: Recognizing busy schedules, the program is structured efficiently over 36 hours, ensuring each session contributes significantly without overwhelming your calendar.

Q5: How can I asses my results?

The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZPTI) developed by Phil Zimbardo, Former
President of the American Psychological Association is used to assess your
time perspectives that reflect your attitudes toward the past, present, and future. The ZTPI is administered at the beginning and at the end of the Executive Onboarding and Mastery Program, providing evidenced based results. The changes in the ZTPI provides valuable insights into your time perspective, both before and after the program. It helps visualize your journey, showcasing shifts in your temporal well-being. This tool allows you to see tangible evidence of your progress, providing motivation and a clear before-and-after picture

Q6: How does the program integrate NLP and Timeline Therapy with traditional coaching?

A: The fusion is seamless; each session integrates NLP and Timeline Therapy to complement traditional coaching, creating a robust framework for holistic development.

Q7: How does the program ensure personalization to my unique needs?

A: Every session is crafted to address individual challenges, aspirations, and strengths, ensuring a tailored approach to each participant's unique journey.

Q8: How does the program handle skepticism about its effectiveness?

A: The program's impact lies in its structured approach and diverse toolkit. Executives will find skepticism replaced with tangible progress and exceeded expectations.

Q9: How can I maintain the positive changes after completing the program?

The program equips you with tools and strategies to maintain and build upon positive changes. Regular self-reflection, practicing the techniques learned, and setting new goals contribute to sustaining the transformation beyond the program's completion.

Q10: Are the sessions conducted in person or virtually?

Sessions are conducted virtually via zoom, providing flexibility to accommodate your preferences and schedule. The key is to create an environment where you feel comfortable and engaged in the process.

Q11: Will I have ongoing support after completing the program?

Yes, post-program support is available to ensure your continued success. You'll have access to resources, follow-up sessions, and guidance to navigate any challenges that may arise as you apply the program's principles in your daily life.