Embark on Your Personal Breakthrough Journey

Embark on a 10 week life-altering journey with our 7-session Personal Breakthrough Program

Blending NLP, Timeline Therapy, and evidence-based coaching. Dive into self-discovery in the initial sessions, mastering emotional regulation and boosting confidence. Unearth and transform accumulated negative emotions, craft a new narrative! Continue with sessions that propel you boldly into the future. Confirm your transformation through evidence-based coaching, showcasing behavioral shifts and goal achievements.

Your breakthrough—where profound change meets profound results—awaits.

Q: Can you identify some tangible results you have achieved as a result of working with Prem? What specific problem were you dealing with before starting the coaching?

A: When I started the Personal Breakthrough Program
with Prem, I had just lived through the most difficult year of my
life so far, and that year brought up so many issues and emotions.
The timing of this program was critical to my grieving and healing
, and I am so grateful for Prem and his generous guidance and coaching.

-Courtney Amo

Q: What was the overall outcome of working with Prem? How has it made your life different?

A: There’s been the ripple effect of joyful events in my life - the decision to retire and find a new career that I’m excited about, improved health and wellness from my yoga teacher training, my relationships are flourishing and the best compliment came from my daughter, after a recent visit she gave me a card saying how proud she is that I’m her Mom, the role model I am for her, she said I’ve always been this but it’s as if I’m unrecognizable from the old me who forgot how she can light up the room.

-Cherylynn Desjardins

Why choose the Personal Breakthrough Program?

Transformative Emotional Release:

Experience a journey of emotional release, liberating yourself from past traumas and significant emotional events, paving the way for emotional freedom and well-being.

Discover Your Boundless Capabilities:

Empower yourself to break free from limiting beliefs and tap into your undiscovered potential, unlocking a path to personal and professional excellence.

Clarity Amidst Life's Challenges:

Gain clarity and resilience to navigate life's challenges. The program provides a strategic roadmap, ensuring you emerge stronger and more capable in the face of adversity.

Content-Free Transformation:

Embrace a transformative journey that liberates you from the weight of past experiences without the need to relive the trauma. Our content-free approach ensures emotional release and well-being, allowing you to move forward with newfound freedom.

Embrace Ongoing Evolution:

Recognize personal growth as a continuous evolution, regularly addressing and releasing emotional patterns to stay aligned with your ever-evolving aspirations.

What is the Personal Breakthrough Program?

Understanding the Power of the Unconscious Mind

Your mind, much like a computer, processes vast amounts of information behind the scenes, shaping your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This intricate system comprises two essential parts: the conscious and the unconscious.

The Conscious Mind: Your Monitor to the World
Picture your conscious mind as the computer monitor, offering you choices, awareness, and interaction with the world. Just as your computer delivers pop-up messages, your conscious mind presents thoughts and feelings seemingly out of nowhere. Directed by concentration and initiated by focused thoughts, these conscious processes involve critical thinking, willpower, and judgment.

The Unconscious Mind: Your Silent Processor

In contrast, the unconscious mind operates without judgment, akin to a computer processor. It dutifully performs functions without question, running both good and bad programs based on the directions it receives. Unbeknownst to you, your actions, words, and recurring emotions serve as these directives, shaping your unconscious learning.

The Unconscious Mind in Action

Your unconscious mind runs all body systems, aids in skill development, and processes sensory input from your entire lifespan. It stores events, images, thoughts, and feelings as memories, with an estimated capacity to store billions of bits of information each second.

Harnessing the Power of the Unconscious Mind

Understanding the role of your unconscious mind opens doors to transformative possibilities. While your conscious mind provides choices and critical thinking, your unconscious mind serves as a shortcut to inner resources, creativity, and body functions.

Embarking on the Personal Breakthrough journey unravels the intricate layers of your emotional landscape, understanding the influences that shape your life.

Emotions and Baggage: Early Impressions Matter

Emotions from birth shape our responses to the world. Early emotional imprinting, especially during the formative zero to seven years, leaves lasting imprints. We navigate this complex tapestry, acknowledging its impact, and consciously release its hold.

The Power of Labels: Untangling Limiting Beliefs

Labels significantly influence self-perception. Our program delves into their power, unraveling limiting beliefs attached to these labels. By challenging and reframing these beliefs, individuals break free from self-imposed limitations and open doors to new possibilities.

Revealing Emotional Gestalt: The Unconscious Tapestry

The Personal Breakthrough journey involves delving into your emotional gestalt—the collection of emotions formed from various life incidents. By addressing this intricate tapestry, we unlock a variety of emotions for healing and personal growth.

Crafting Your Story: Beliefs, Decisions, Commitments

Limiting beliefs, decisions, and unconscious commitments collectively form the narrative of our lives. This program guides you through deconstructing and reconstructing your story. Understanding early subconscious commitments empowers you to redefine your narrative for personal fulfillment.

How Does the Personal Breakthrough Program work?

Delving into the "How" of the Personal Breakthrough Program, we embark on a strategic journey designed to align with your specific needs and ensure practical, transformative results.
The "How" transcends mere theory, diving deep into the practical application and experiential learning that defines your transformative journey.

Session 1: Understanding and Conscious Awareness (2-3 hours)

In this initial session, we'll get to know you better. Think of it as a map-making adventure where we assess your current situation, dig into your presenting problems, and unveil the root issues that might be holding you back. It's like exploring the landscape of your mind to understand where you are and where you want to go.

Session 2: Facing Accumulated Negative Emotions (2-3 hours)

Here, we delve into the emotions you've carried with you. Imagine it as sorting through your emotional backpack, identifying and addressing those heavier feelings like anger, sadness, fear, hurt, and guilt. We'll help you unload the emotional baggage you've been carrying.

Session 3: Emerging from Darkness (2-3 hours)

This session is about shedding light on your past challenges. Picture it as crafting a story from your experiences, understanding significant events, traumas, and the purpose behind certain issues. It's like rewiring the narrative of your life to focus on growth and resilience.

Session 4: Crafting a New Positive Narrative (2-3 hours)

Now, it's time to create a new story. We'll explore your internal hard drive, using tools like anchoring and peripheral vision. It's akin to redesigning the positive aspects of your life, reframing past experiences, and setting the stage for a brighter future.

Session 5: Boldly Stepping into the Future (2-3 hours)

This session is all about planning for what's ahead. We'll identify your values, address any remaining limiting beliefs, and set SMART goals. It's like charting a course for your future, ensuring that your aspirations align with your newfound awareness.

Step 6a & 6b: Confirmation of Progress (1 hour each, one month apart)

These check-ins are like measuring your progress. We'll review your behavioral and tasking evidence, ensuring that you're on track. It's akin to confirming that the changes you've initiated are bringing positive outcomes, providing clarity and motivation for your ongoing journey.

Think of each session as a chapter in your personal growth story, with a clear focus on understanding, healing, and creating a positive narrative.

Some of the ways the

Personal Breakthrough Program

will change your life!

Emotional Freedom & Trauma Release:
Achieve Emotional Mastery | Personal Breakthrough

Break free from past traumas. Gain emotional freedom and resilience for a happier life.

Confidence and Empowerment:

Boost Confidence & Unlock Potential | Self-Empowerment Program

Develop unwavering self-confidence by unlocking your untapped potential. Harness the power of positive thinking to navigate challenges with ease.

Temporal Well-being:
Master Time for a Fulfilling Life | Personal Breakthrough Experience

Craft a balanced relationship with time, appreciating past lessons, relishing the present, and eagerly anticipating a promising future.

Mindful Wizardry & Positive Thinking:

Master Your Mind with Mindful Wizardry | Positive Thinking Techniques

Embrace mindfulness, become the architect of your thoughts, and summon the magic of positive thinking for empowerment.

Reframe Limiting Beliefs for Personal Growth:

Break Limits with Personal Growth Techniques | Reframe Your Narrative

Unravel limiting beliefs, transform restrictions into opportunities, and redefine your life narrative for personal fulfillment.

Holistic Emotional Integration

& Healing:

Emotional Healing Journey | Holistic Integration for Personal Growth

Create a gestalt of emotions, foster healing, and experience personal growth through emotional integration.

Optimize Peak Performance States:

Optimize Performance States | Unlock Focus, Energy & Motivation

Trigger peak performance states for optimal focus, energy, and motivation. Overwrite negative thought patterns for success.

Stress Management & Emotional Regulation Tools:

Stress-Free Living | Emotional Regulation Tools for Resilience

Manage stress effectively, shift your mental state during challenges, and achieve emotional resilience.

Self-Discovery & Creative Expression Unleashed:

Unlock Creativity & Self-Discovery | Personal Breakthrough Journey

Tap into untapped potential, discover creativity, and gain profound self-awareness for a more fulfilling life.

Transform Your Life Narrative:

Transform Your Life Story | Rewrite Narrative for Fulfillment

Deconstruct and reconstruct your life narrative. Gain control over limiting decisions and commitments for a more empowering story.

100% Money-Back Guarantee

& Price

Unleash Your Transformation with Confidence:

100% Money-Back Guarantee

Having full confidence in the life-changing impact of this Personal Breakthrough Program, a 100% Money-Back Guarantee is offered.

If, within 30 days after completing the program, you don't experience profound benefits, your entire investment will be refunded.

Fully dedicated to your success and believe in the transformative power of this journey.

Your satisfaction is my commitment

Invest in Your Personal Breakthrough - $5000 CAD

Embark on your transformative journey with a one-time investment of $2500 CAD. This lump sum payment unlocks full access to the Personal Breakthrough Program, empowering you to achieve emotional freedom, unleash your potential, and craft a fulfilling life.

Payment Plan:

Ten Easy Payments of $550 CAD - Tailored for You

We understand the importance of flexibility on your

journey to self-discovery. Choose our convenient payment plan, breaking down the investment into five manageable monthly payments. Dive into the Personal Breakthrough Program with ease, ensuring that your path to transformation is as accessible as it is empowering.

These benefits collectively create a transformative journey, offering participants a comprehensive toolkit for personal growth, emotional well-being, and a more fulfilling life. The value derived from these outcomes is immeasurable, providing a holistic approach to mental, emotional, and temporal mastery.

Program Possibilities and

Q & A

What If... You Could Rewrite Your Story?

Unlocking Unexplored Narratives:

Imagine a reality where you possess the ability to rewrite your life's narrative. What if you could delve into the realms of your unconscious mind, untangle the threads of limiting beliefs, and craft a new story—one brimming with empowerment, joy, and fulfillment.


Narrative Empowerment:

You gain the ability to consciously shape the chapters of your life, infusing each page with the essence of your true self.

Freedom from Limitations:

The constraints of old stories dissolve, paving the way for uncharted territories of personal growth and boundless potential.

What If... Emotions Became Your Allies?

Transforming Emotions into Enchanting Companions:
Envision a reality where emotions aren't adversaries but trusted companions on your journey. What if you could transmute the energy of negative emotions into catalysts for growth and positive transformation?


Emotional Alchemy:

Witness the magic of turning emotional challenges into stepping stones for personal evolution.

Authentic Connection:

Forge a deeper connection with your emotional landscape, fostering resilience and embracing the full spectrum of human experience

What If... Time Became Your Ally?

Mastering Time to Craft Your Destiny:
Picture a reality where time isn't a constraint but a canvas for creating your destiny. What if you could harmonize past, present, and future perspectives, sculpting a masterpiece of temporal well-being?


Temporal Harmony:

Experience a balanced dance with time, appreciating the lessons of the past, relishing the present, and eagerly anticipating a future filled with promise.

Liberation from Temporal Chains:

Break free from the shackles of past regrets and future anxieties, savoring the richness of each moment.

What If... You Became the Maestro of Your Mind's Symphony?

Harnessing Your Mental Magic:
Picture yourself as the master of your thoughts, orchestrating a symphony of positivity in the intricate corridors of your mind. What if you could turn your unconscious realm into a sanctuary of strength and freedom?


Mindful Mastery:

Step into the enchanting realm of mindfulness, crafting your thoughts like a seasoned wizard. Imagine transcending limitations and conjuring the magic of positive thinking.

Unlocking Hidden Potentials:

Unleash the power within you, tapping into the vast reservoirs of untapped potential. Picture unlocking doors to self-discovery, creativity, and profound self-realization

Q & A

Q1: Why consider the Personal Breakthrough Program for my self-improvement journey?

The Personal Breakthrough Program offers a comprehensive approach, combining NLP techniques, Timeline Therapy, and evidence-based coaching to guide you through deep introspection, helping you unearth limiting beliefs, release emotional baggage, and craft a new narrative. It's a transformative journey designed for lasting change

Q2: How can the program benefit me on a day-to-day basis?

On a daily basis, you'll experience improved emotional regulation, increased confidence, and reduced stress. The program equips you with practical tools like anchoring to access positive emotions at will, aiding you in navigating life's challenges with resilience and ease.

Q3: What makes this program different from traditional therapies?

Unlike traditional therapies, the Personal Breakthrough Program goes beyond talk therapy. It actively engages with your unconscious mind, employing techniques like Timeline Therapy and parts integration to address the root causes of challenges. It's about creating tangible, positive changes in your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Q4: Can I expect immediate results, or is it a gradual process?

While immediate shifts can occur, the program is designed for lasting transformation. Each session builds upon the last, creating a cumulative effect. You'll notice gradual changes in emotional well-being, mindset, and decision-making as you progress through the sessions

Q5: How can I assess my results?

The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZPTI) developed by Phil Zimbardo, Former
President of the American Psychological Association is used to assess your
time perspectives that reflect your attitudes toward the past, present, and future. The ZTPI is administered at the beginning and at the end of the Personal Breakthrough Program, providing evidenced based results. The changes in the ZTPI provides valuable insights into your time perspective, both before and after the program. It helps visualize your journey, showcasing shifts in your temporal well-being. This tool allows you to see tangible evidence of your progress, providing motivation and a clear before-and-after picture

Q6: How long does it typically take to see significant changes in my life through the Personal Breakthrough Program?

The timeline varies for each individual, but many participants notice positive shifts within the initial sessions. Consistency and commitment to the program contribute to sustained, significant changes over time.

Q7: Can I combine the Personal Breakthrough Program with other self-help practices or therapies?

Absolutely! The program is flexible and complements traditional therapy and various self-help practices. Integrating them can enhance your overall well-being.

Q8: Is the program suitable for everyone, regardless of their background or previous experiences with self-improvement?

Yes, the program is designed for individuals from all walks of life. Whether you're new to self-improvement or have previous experiences, the Personal Breakthrough Program tailors its approach to meet you where you are on your journey.

Q9: How can I maintain the positive changes after completing the program?

The program equips you with tools and strategies to maintain and build upon positive changes. Regular self-reflection, practicing the techniques learned, and setting new goals contribute to sustaining the transformation beyond the program's completion.

Q10: Are the sessions conducted in person or virtually?

Sessions are conducted virtually via zoom, providing flexibility to accommodate your preferences and schedule. The key is to create an environment where you feel comfortable and engaged in the process.

Q11: Will I have ongoing support after completing the program?

Yes, post-program support is available to ensure your continued success. You'll have access to resources, follow-up sessions, and guidance to navigate any challenges that may arise as you apply the program's principles in your daily life.